Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Barnhardt Podcast #141: You Cannot Suppress a Vanessa
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
In this special episode, Ann is joined by longtime reader/listener Vanessa, who shares her experiences and insights working for the Trump campaign, and as a campaign manager for a state representative candidate. Is the current political paradigm utterly futile? Also, we discuss Milo’s big announcement and why caution is very much warranted.
Feedback: please send your questions, comments, suggestions, and happy news item to podcast@barnhardt.biz
Supernerd Media produces the Barnhardt Podcast; if you got some value from this podcast — or even just Ann’s website — and would like to return some value to support the technical effort, please visit SupernerdMedia.com — where the PayPal option is now back!
Friday Mar 12, 2021
Barnhardt Podcast #140: The Six Million Dollar Mazzacast
Friday Mar 12, 2021
Friday Mar 12, 2021
Today is 13 March 2021, the eighth anniversary of Antipope Bergoglio’s usurpation of the Petrine See. In this episode, we discuss the most recent developments of the exploding visible dataset regarding the invalid resignation of Pope Benedict, Father Zed’s extensive commentary, the latest purported interview at Corriere della Sera, Antonio Socci’s commentary on such, and the brand new book from Estefania Acosta, Benedict XVI, Pope “Emeritus”?
Feedback: please send your questions, comments, suggestions, and happy news item to podcast@barnhardt.biz (for sensitive items for which you would like to communicate via a secure, encrypted channel, just send an email saying you would like to go to a secure channel and instructions will follow).
Supernerd Media produces the Barnhardt Podcast; if you got some value from this podcast -- or even just Ann's website -- and would like to return some value to support the technical effort,
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Barnhardt Podcast #139: Flaming Trains and Rick James
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
In this abbreviated episode we discuss a little more about the Death Jab, touch briefly on the adventures of Bergoglio in Babylon, recount an anecdote that demonstrates the hysteria of mindlessly "gotta have it/get there" which explains why a lot of people will get the Death Jab, and inadvertently bring a super-freak into the context of the podcast.
Feedback: please send your questions, comments, suggestions, and happy news item to podcast@barnhardt.biz (for sensitive items for which you would like to communicate via a secure, encrypted channel, just send an email saying you would like to go to a secure channel and instructions will follow).
Supernerd Media produces the Barnhardt Podcast; if you got some value from this podcast — or even just Ann’s website — and would like to return some value to support the technical effort, please visit SupernerdMedia.com — where the PayPal option is now back!
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Barnhardt Podcast #138: Horseshoes and Hand Grenades
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
In this episode, in which we mark the anniversary of the self-slaughter of some German monk, we discuss the math of Ivermectin dosage measurements, Xanax as a replacement for masculinity and fighting, and that children are both a spiritual AND a financial gift from God, something many Boomers are discovering a bit too late.
Feedback: please send your questions, comments, suggestions, and happy news item to podcast@barnhardt.biz (for sensitive items for which you would like to communicate via a secure, encrypted channel, just send an email saying you would like to go to a secure channel and instructions will follow).
Supernerd Media produces the Barnhardt Podcast; if you got some value from this podcast — or even just Ann’s website — and would like to return some value to support the technical effort, please visit SupernerdMedia.com — where the PayPal option is now back!
Friday Feb 12, 2021
Friday Feb 12, 2021
In this episode, Ann is joined by Mark “Lenny” Docherty and Dr. Edmund “Squiggy” Mazza, where they explore the latest letter from Archbishop Vigano, highlighting wherein, various examples of his stunning departure from logic and reason. The pesky problem of holding a false base premise, exposition on the law of non-contradiction, the obedience due a true pope, and the dangers of a downright Protestant mindset. We then turn to current events, Jan 6th Capital “riot”, faux-inauguration, the coming uber cancel culture purge, Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes (11 February, the date Pope Benedict chose to read out his quasi-renunciation), the Immaculate Conception, the Reichstag fire and subsequent abrogation of God-given rights, suspension of law/state of exception/state of necessity.
Feedback: please send your questions, comments, suggestions, and happy news item to podcast@barnhardt.biz (for sensitive items for which you would like to communicate via a secure, encrypted channel, just send an email saying you would like to go to a secure channel and instructions will follow).
Supernerd Media produces the Barnhardt Podcast; if you got some value from this podcast — or even just Ann’s website — and would like to return some value to support the technical effort, please visit SupernerdMedia.com — where the PayPal option is now back!
Thursday Feb 04, 2021
Barnhardt Podcast #136: Office of the 136th Podcast
Thursday Feb 04, 2021
Thursday Feb 04, 2021
In this episode we go long on discussing the Reddit Revolt against short-sellers, recap Ann's "Going Galt" letter from what seems like forever ago, theorize a bit on what a JUST economic system might look like, and generally agree that this is another incremental step toward the chastisement for which America and the western world is generally overdue.
Feedback: please send your questions, comments, suggestions, and happy news item to podcast@barnhardt.biz (for sensitive items for which you would like to communicate via a secure, encrypted channel, just send an email saying you would like to go to a secure channel and instructions will follow).
Supernerd Media produces the Barnhardt Podcast; if you got some value from this podcast — or even just Ann’s website — and would like to return some value to support the technical effort, please visit SupernerdMedia.com — where the PayPal option is now back!
Monday Jan 18, 2021
Barnhardt Podcast #135: Gab-ing about Parler and False Flags
Monday Jan 18, 2021
Monday Jan 18, 2021
In this episode we discuss the de-platforming of Parler, Ann's experience de-Googling her email account, and the role of false flags in shaping popular discourse... and washing the brains of the weak-minded.
Thursday Jan 07, 2021
Barnhardt Podcast #134: No more ex-Q-ses
Thursday Jan 07, 2021
Thursday Jan 07, 2021
In this episode we kick off the new calendar year by answering some more listener questions. TL;DR: Original Sin still exists, morons inhabit all levels of government, and through the Mystery of Love we have the ability to become adopted sons of God and enjoy the Beatific Vision in eternity... why fear 2021?
Feedback: please send your questions, comments, suggestions, and happy news item to podcast@barnhardt.biz (for sensitive items for which you would like to communicate via a secure, encrypted channel, just send an email saying you would like to go to a secure channel and instructions will follow).
Supernerd Media produces the Barnhardt Podcast; if you got some value from this podcast — or even just Ann’s website — and would like to return some value to support the technical effort, please visit SupernerdMedia.com — where the PayPal option is now back!
Saturday Dec 19, 2020
Barnhardt Podcast #133: The Assets are in Place
Saturday Dec 19, 2020
Saturday Dec 19, 2020
In this episode Supernerd reads listener questions while Ann answers and tangents are explored!
Feedback: please send your questions, comments, suggestions, and happy news item to podcast@barnhardt.biz (for sensitive items for which you would like to communicate via a secure, encrypted channel, just send an email saying you would like to go to a secure channel and instructions will follow).
Supernerd Media produces the Barnhardt Podcast; if you got some value from this podcast — or even just Ann’s website — and would like to return some value to support the technical effort, please visit SupernerdMedia.com — where the PayPal option is now back!
Saturday Dec 12, 2020
Barnhardt Podcast #132: Who Do I Have to Be?
Saturday Dec 12, 2020
Saturday Dec 12, 2020
In this episode, Ann, Mark, and Dr. Mazza preview the upcoming English version of Peter Seewald's book/interview with Pope Benedict, wherein Pope Benedict further explains what he did and why he did it. Opening bombshell: Benedict has finally written a "Spiritual Will," but no one knows where it is, what it says, or if he really wrote it himself. We also touch on the latest Scalfari dust up, covered by Socci, whereby Scalfari says Bergolio knows there are two popes or maybe Benedict is the only one? We review several points of canon law, Benedict's actions in light or the law, and we discuss how the four marks Church are synthesized in, and absolutely demand, its VISIBILITY. We also lavish praise on Dr. Mazza's current classes on Church and world history, and introduce his new Spring Semester!
Feedback: please send your questions, comments, suggestions, and happy news item to podcast@barnhardt.biz (for sensitive items for which you would like to communicate via a secure, encrypted channel, just send an email saying you would like to go to a secure channel and instructions will follow).
Supernerd Media produces the Barnhardt Podcast; if you got some value from this podcast — or even just Ann’s website — and would like to return some value to support the technical effort, please visit SupernerdMedia.com — where the PayPal option is now back!