Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Barnhardt Podcast #161: Nurse Claire, Behind Enemy Lines
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
In this episode Nurse Claire joins us to discuss the state of care in hospitals in the US right now, including the denial of food, water, medicine, and vitamins to patients. With hospital staff now searching bags for the above items it’s more crucial to avoid going to the hospital if you can and stocking up on supplies while it’s possible (if supplies are in stock). While things are getting more desperate, don’t lose sight of the eternal: the hospital staff might take the life of your body so always be prepared to for your particular judgement!
Feedback: please send your questions, comments, suggestions, and happy news item to podcast@barnhardt.biz — or you can leave voicemail feedback at (302) 648-6373. (Alternate email addresses are supernerdmedia@protonmail.com and annbarnhardt@protonmail.com if you are looking for something more secure.)
Supernerd Media produces the Barnhardt Podcast, hosts Ann’s website, and more; if you got some value from these efforts and would like to return some value please visit SupernerdMedia.com to find out how to send a donation via a few other methods.
Monday Nov 22, 2021
Barnhardt Podcast #160: Advent with the Antipopes
Monday Nov 22, 2021
Monday Nov 22, 2021
In this episode, Dr. Mazza drops a few enticing breadcrumbs (or Reese’s Pieces) about his upcoming Advent mini course on the Antipopes. Despite the grave topic, this recording became, quite unexpectedly, the most comedic episode of the Barnhardt Podcast ever. Much guffawing and rib-clutching ensued. Barnhardt & Mazza featuring the Supernerd Orchestra and the Dancing Antipopes: The all-singing, all dancing comedy revue! Floor shows at 8, 10 and midnight!
For FULL shownotes please visit Ann Barnhardt's website.
Feedback: please send your questions, comments, suggestions, and happy news item to podcast@barnhardt.biz — or you can leave voicemail feedback at (302) 648-6373. (Alternate email addresses are supernerdmedia@protonmail.com and annbarnhardt@protonmail.com if you are looking for something more secure.)
Supernerd Media produces the Barnhardt Podcast, hosts Ann’s website, and more; if you got some value from these efforts and would like to return some value please visit SupernerdMedia.com to find out how to send a donation via a few other methods.
Saturday Nov 13, 2021
Barnhardt Podcast #159: Cumulative Consequences
Saturday Nov 13, 2021
Saturday Nov 13, 2021
In this episode, Doctor Beep and Nurse Claire join us on this Veteran’s Day to discuss the state of the military and how it’s every bit as woke as society at large (if not more so). We also discussed the continuing saga of death by a thousand boosters and that children aged five through eleven are now “eligible” to get the clot shot. Even with a Patient’s Bill of Rights it’s clear that evil and lawlessness is on the rise. Stay close to the Sacraments and closer to God and His Holy Mother if you want to live eternally!
Links, Reading, and Video:
- The Meaning of the Woke Military
- Navy SEALs’ lawsuit claims religious freedoms violated by coronavirus vaccine mandate
- Ego, ambition, and turmoil: Inside Moderna, one of biotech’s most secretive startups
- FDA Meeting on COVID Vaccine for Children
- CMS Patient’s Bill or Rights
- American Front Line Nurses
- Gray Bearded Green Beret’s Wilderness/SHTF Medial Kit Gear Suggestions (YouTube)
Feedback: please send your questions, comments, suggestions, and happy news item to podcast@barnhardt.biz — or you can leave voicemail feedback at (302) 648-6373. (Alternate email addresses are supernerdmedia@protonmail.com and annbarnhardt@protonmail.com if you are looking for something more secure.)
Supernerd Media produces the Barnhardt Podcast, hosts Ann’s website, and more; if you got some value from these efforts and would like to return some value please visit SupernerdMedia.com to find out how to send a donation via a few other methods.
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Barnhardt Podcast #158: That you may not be scandalized
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Monday Nov 01, 2021
In this episode we discuss the news from Sunday morning that Father Jackson of the FSSP has been arrested on charges related to child pornography. It would be easy to take scandal or be unduly offended by such an accusation but it's critical to maintain peace of soul. Keep the words of Christ before your mind: "These things have I spoken to you, that you may not be scandalized" (John 16:1). And above all, PRAY FOR PRIESTS!
Saturday Oct 09, 2021
Barnhardt Podcast #157: Apocalyptic Apothecary
Saturday Oct 09, 2021
Saturday Oct 09, 2021
In this episode Nurse Claire and Vanessa join Ann and Supernerd to discuss drugs: specifically what kinds of ingestible remedies to have on hand for this fall’s flu, coof, and craziness season. Avoid the red pills from Merck and remember to keep the health of your soul foremost while we seek to help ourselves and our neighbors in coming Dark Winter!
Nutrient/remedy stock-up items for your consideration:
- American Biotech Labs Silver Biotics Daily Immune Support with SilverSol Technology
- Carlson Super Daily D3
- Doctor’s Best Pure Vitamin C Powder with Quali-C
- Dr. Mercola Liposomal Vitamin C — 1000 mg
- Protocol For Life Balance Zinc Glycinate
- Quercetin — 500 mg
Links, Reading, and Video:
- New COVID Antiviral Pill Was Tested on LungOnly Mice
- LungOnly Mice: Precision Test Models for the COVID Vaccine
- A Grim Reminder That Fetal Tissue Market Is Still Open for Business
- Ivermectin for COVID-19: real-time meta analysis of 64 studies
- Drugs Shown to Inhibit SARS-CoV-2 in COVID-19 Disease: Comparative Basic and Clinical Pharmacology of Molnupiravir and Ivermectin
- (ZeroHedge) “Proceed With Caution At Your Own Peril” – Merck’s COVID ‘Super Drug’ Poses Serious Health Risks, Scientists Warn
- Example of Pardon Crucifix
- Indulgences Attached To Pardon Crucifix, Including Plenary At Death
- SSPX Secretary General Fr. Selegny’s Jab Post That Got Scrubbed Of Suggesting Priests Should Get Jabbed To Minister To Those Needing Last Rights
- Critique By SSPX Parishioner Of Fr. Selegny’s Pro-Jab Post
- Dr. Mazza’s Fall Classes (Just because we didn’t discuss it on THIS episode doesn’t mean you shouldn’t enroll!)
Feedback: please send your questions, comments, suggestions, and happy news item to podcast@barnhardt.biz — or you can leave voicemail feedback at (302) 648-6373. (Alternate email addresses are supernerdmedia@protonmail.com and annbarnhardt@protonmail.com if you are looking for something more secure.)
Supernerd Media produces the Barnhardt Podcast, hosts Ann’s website, and more; if you got some value from these efforts and would like to return some value please visit SupernerdMedia.com and click on the big red PayPal button or to find out how to send a donation via a few other methods.
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
Barnhardt Podcast #156: An Unjust Law Is No Law At All
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
In this episode, Ann, Mark, and Dr. Mazza discuss the Guardian Angels, the five First Saturdays and our Lady of Fatima’s request, and then on to the main event: The Fourth Commandment (Honor thy Father and Mother). This divine law concerns our obedience to all legitimate authority, so long as its authority is meted justly, for an unjust law is not law at all. We also discuss our obligations when asked to submit to illegitimate authority. Like everything else in life, it turns out that getting your base premise right is pretty important. Which also means that using your rational intellect is not only allowed, but required of you. God expects you to think, and figure things out… he tells us this in scripture. Private judgment is not sinful, it is expected, including on the question of who is the true Vicar of Christ.
Links, Reading, and Video:
Feedback: please send your questions, comments, suggestions, and happy news item to podcast@barnhardt.biz — or you can leave voicemail feedback at (302) 648-6373. (Alternate email addresses are supernerdmedia@protonmail.com and annbarnhardt@protonmail.com if you are looking for something more secure.)
Supernerd Media produces the Barnhardt Podcast, hosts Ann’s website, and more; if you got some value from these efforts and would like to return some value please visit SupernerdMedia.com and click on the big red PayPal button or to find out how to send a donation via a few other methods.
Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
Barnhardt Podcast #155: Groveling Men Without Chests
Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
In this episode Ann and Supernerd are joined by Vanessa and the unstoppable Dr. Mazza to discuss the recent document from the junior bishop in white — Traditiones Custodes — and reiterate the importance of being right about your base premise regarding the Vicarship of Christ as the consequences have a long reach. As confusion and calumny surrounding the traditional Mass (and those who say it) mounts, it is not the time to find easy legal positions hoping for a fig leaf of protection in the storm; rather it is time to stand and fight manfully for our Catholic patrimony!
Links, Reading, and Video:
- Dr. Mazza’s recent interview with Patrick Coffin
- What the mighty Jesuit Karl Rahner would say, said, about suppressing Summorum Pontificum
- If you haven’t seen it: Ann’s video on Diabolical Narcissism
- Father Chad Ripperger talking about T.C.
- Archbishop Lefebvre: A Documentary
- Dr. Mazza’s Fall Classes
Feedback: please send your questions, comments, suggestions, and happy news item to podcast@barnhardt.biz — or you can leave voicemail feedback at (302) 648-6373. (Alternate email addresses are supernerdmedia@protonmail.com and annbarnhardt@protonmail.com if you are looking for something more secure.)
Supernerd Media produces the Barnhardt Podcast; if you got some value from this podcast — or even just Ann’s website — and would like to return some value to support the technical effort, please visit SupernerdMedia.com — where the PayPal option is now back!
Monday Sep 13, 2021
Barnhardt Podcast #154: Vash Yur Handz All ze Time
Monday Sep 13, 2021
Monday Sep 13, 2021
In this episode Ann, Supernerd, Dr. Beep, Nurse Claire, and Vanessa discuss the declaration of war on the unvaxxed which was pronounced on Thursday September 9th by the Sundowner in Chief. Nurse Claire and Dr. Beep share their observations from the front line which, as you might expect, contradict the official narrative. Is the vax mandate the planned next Great Leap Forward in the Cloward–Piven strategy or are “they” just jumping on the chance to make “order” out of chaos? It’s definitely looking like we’re in for a dark winter so prepare now both spiritually and temporally!
Specific devotions of relevance in these times:
- The Fatima First Saturdays
- Become A Brave Defender Of The Holy Name Of God Through the Holy Face Devotion!
- The Golden Arrow: The Revelations of Sister Mary of Saint Peter
- The Holy Man of Tours: The Life of Leo Dupont (1797-1876), Apostle of the Holy Face Devotion
Links, Reading, and Video:
- (1904) Precedent for Vaccine Mandates: Jacobson v. Massachusetts
- (2013) Facing penalties, hospitals take hard line on employee flu shots
- (2019) New York Ends Religious Exemptions For Required Vaccines
- Idaho doctor reports a ’20 times increase’ of cancer in vaccinated patients
- George Soros on 60 Minutes
- CDC Changes the Definitions of “Vaccine” and “Vaccination”
- Bogus Oklahoma ivermectin story was just too good to check
- Cloward-Piven Strategy
Feedback: please send your questions, comments, suggestions, and happy news item to podcast@barnhardt.biz — or you can leave voicemail feedback at (302) 648-6373.
Supernerd Media produces the Barnhardt Podcast; if you got some value from this podcast — or even just Ann’s website — and would like to return some value to support the technical effort, please visit SupernerdMedia.com — where the PayPal option is now back!
Thursday Aug 19, 2021
Barnhardt Podcast #153: Table for Four, Unvaxxed
Thursday Aug 19, 2021
Thursday Aug 19, 2021
In this episode Ann and Supernerd are joined by Nurse Claire and Non Veni Mark and we discuss which is more screwed up: the political situation in Afghanistan or the medical situation in the united Sates surrounding hospital staffing, The Rona, and The Jab. Please pray for Cardinal Burke who is still on a ventilator as this podcast is being published!
Specific devotions of relevance in these times:
- Become A Brave Defender Of The Holy Name Of God Through the Holy Face Devotion!
- The Golden Arrow: The Revelations of Sister Mary of Saint Peter
- The Holy Man of Tours: The Life of Leo Dupont (1797-1876), Apostle of the Holy Face Devotion
Links, Reading, and Video:
- Vaccine Mandate Protest Letter
- (Book) Operation Gladio: The Unholy Alliance between the Vatican, the CIA, and the Mafia
- Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Treatment Guidelines
- NIH Purchases of Aborted Fetal Parts for ‘Humanized Mice’ Testing
- “HUMANIZED MICE: gateway to the Brave New World?”
- Regeneron Position Statement on Stem Cell Research
- Trump’s antibody treatment was tested using cells originally derived from an abortion
- Quercetin (at Vitacost.com)
- Former Moderna scientist: “It’s a case of the emperor’s new clothes. They’re running an investment firm, and then hopefully it also develops a drug that’s successful.”
- TOLDYA: Deathvaxx “booster shots” required every eight months forever and ever… which is why the vaxx passports were printed that way from the very beginning
- “In the case of the Delta variant, neutralizing antibodies have a decreased affinity for the spike protein, whereas facilitating antibodies display a strikingly increased affinity. Thus, ADE may be a concern for people receiving vaccines…”
- Hospitals are death camps: How the CDC COVID-19 Hospital Protocols Are Mass-Murdering People
- Navy Commander Warns of National Security Threat from Mandatory Vaccination
Feedback: please send your questions, comments, suggestions, and happy news item to podcast@barnhardt.biz
Supernerd Media produces the Barnhardt Podcast; if you got some value from this podcast — or even just Ann’s website — and would like to return some value to support the technical effort, please visit SupernerdMedia.com — where the PayPal option is now back!
Friday Aug 06, 2021
Barnhardt Podcast #152: Twisties, Jabbies and Apostasies
Friday Aug 06, 2021
Friday Aug 06, 2021
In this episode we discuss mental health and pharmacology in the Olympics, whether a bishop wearing white can bar someone — anyone — from attending a Mass because they didn’t get The Death Jab, reminisce about the good old days when Popes wrote clear encyclicals with solid Catholic teaching, and address an “Ask Ann” question with possibly the shortest answer yet. The storm clouds aren’t on the horizon — they are almost overhead now! — but the ending has been foretold: the victory is His and we can take part in the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart if want, and act on that desire.
Links, Reading, and Video:
- Saint Dominic: the O.G. O.P.
- Simone Biles says ‘I have to focus on my mental health’ after pulling out of team final
- Kerri Strug final vault in 1996, planting the landing on one leg
- Shohei Otahni: pitcher, slugger, speedy baseball freak
- Humanum Genis (on Freemasonry): Encyclical by Pope Leo 13th
- Quod Apostolici Muneris (on Communism/Socialism): Encyclical by Pope Leo 13th
- The Original Vatican 2 Schemas
- Pastor Aeternus: Dogmatic Constitution on the Church of Christ
- Father Gruner on the Canonizations of John 23rd and John Paul 2nd
- Biden warns cyber attacks could lead to a “real shooting war”
Feedback: please send your questions, comments, suggestions, and happy news item to podcast@barnhardt.biz
Supernerd Media produces the Barnhardt Podcast; if you got some value from this podcast — or even just Ann’s website — and would like to return some value to support the technical effort, please visit SupernerdMedia.com — where the PayPal option is now back!