Friday Apr 12, 2024
Barnhardt Podcast Episode #204: Milli Vanilli Infiniti Digniti
Friday Apr 12, 2024
Friday Apr 12, 2024
In this episode, Ann is joined by Dr. Mazza and Mark Docherty for a run-down of current events, beginning with the 30-years-too-late death by lethal injection of Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown's killer, a little Eclipse talk, featuring Dr. Mazza's Bonnie Tyler impression, complete with throat scratch, a discussion of Touchme Fagnandez' latest colonic methane emission, "You shall be as gods... / Infinite Dignity", and a little recap of Dr. Mazza's gentlemanly debate with Matt Gaspers wherein Dr. Mazza took a 50-cal to the "Universal Peaceful Acceptance" trope.
Links, Reading, and Video:
Dr. Mazza's Summer Course:
Unsolved Mystery: Trust the Science? Trust History!
Ed the Eye (Private Eye, that is) will unravel the mystery and controversy between Science and Faith: The Shroud of Turin, Aliens, Evolution, Multiverse, Miracles at Lourdes–and More! Facts or Science Fiction?
Dr. Mazza debate with Matt Gaspers
De Mattei Essay on Rorate - he's totally lost the plot
Milli Vanilli (historical reference for the youngsters)
Bonnie Tyler "Total Eclipse of the Heart (Turn Around)"
Feedback: the email address for the podcast is Ann@barnhardt.biz.
The Infant Jesus of Prague handles Ann's financial stuff. Click image for details. [If you have a recurring donation set up and need to cancel for whatever reason - don't hesitate to do so!]
Thursday Mar 14, 2024
Barnhardt Podcast #203: Nurse Claire on the Mortal Sin of IVF
Thursday Mar 14, 2024
Thursday Mar 14, 2024
In this episode, Nurse Claire checks in with an on-the-ground update, and sadly, the news is grim; hospitals filled with vaxx injured, and unvaxxed patients are so rare that they're now referred to as "unicorns". Then, we attack the topic of In Vitro Fertilization and break down how this process is just one long series of mortal sins from beginning to unresolvable end - which would seem to preclude the possibility of IVF being a "right", contrary to the latest propaganda from both the "left" and the "right". "Brave New World" is now a reference manual.
Links, Reading, and Video:
NurseClaireSays: The GOP finds itself in a conundrum
Build-a-Baby Video
Alabama Supreme Court Personhood of Embryos decision
Satanic IVF firm "Mate" specializing in trafficking children to sodomites
Trump all-in on IVF
Bipartisan IVF support
Feedback: the email address for the podcast is Ann@barnhardt.biz.
The Infant Jesus of Prague handles Ann's financial stuff. Click image for details. [If you have a recurring donation set up and need to cancel for whatever reason - don't hesitate to do so!]
Thursday Mar 14, 2024
Barnhardt Podcast #202: Failing An Open Book Test
Thursday Mar 14, 2024
Thursday Mar 14, 2024
In this landmark episode, Ann and Mark "Ed McMahon" Docherty debate the validity of Supernerd's putative abdication of the ministry of the production of the Barnhardt Podcast, thus becoming the Producer Ahm-ah-RAH-tus, necessitating that Ann assume the Barnhardt Podcast Production See herself, lest the Sede be Vacante. Expect production quality of the Barnhardt Podcast to revert to AM-radio-via-cellphone-whilst-driving-down-the-interstate-in-a-convertible quality levels for the foreseeable. We then do a general catch-up and rumination on the vomitous surrender cry of the men of the post-Christian west, "But there's nothing we can doooooooooooo...." Our Lord only gives open-book tests at roughly the first grade level, and yet, somehow, the Remnant Church is managing to fail. Spectacularly. In all seriousness, if you are moved to cruise over to SupernerdMedia.com and thank Supernerd for his seven years of hard work and top-notch skills with a donation, that would be absolutely wonderful, and would warm all of our hearts..
Links, Reading, and Video:
Supernerd Media.
SOTI.blog (Website and Podcast of Fr. Isaac Mary Relyea)
The No Agenda Show
John C. Dvorak
Evil has made Victoria Nuland really ugly.
Touchme Fagnandez thinks showing off his manbewbs and spare tire es molto caliente.
Feedback: the email address for the podcast is Ann@barnhardt.biz.
The Infant Jesus of Prague handles Ann's financial stuff. Click image for details. [If you have a recurring donation set up and need to cancel for whatever reason - don't hesitate to do so!]
Thursday Feb 01, 2024
Barnhardt Podcast #201: The Bergoglio Crime Family
Thursday Feb 01, 2024
Thursday Feb 01, 2024
In this episode, Dr. Mazza joins Mark and Ann to discuss YET MORE intriguing evidence pertaining to the invalidity of Pope Benedict’s resignation and the Bergoglian Antipapcy - as if any more were needed. Ann calls Antipope Bergoglio’s ghostwriter “Touchme Fagnandez” several dozen times, and Dr. Ed keeps us in stitches with his Godfather improvs. We come to the firm conclusion that Cardinal Burke, like Tom Hagen, just isn’t "a wartime Consigliere."
Dr. Mazza’s Spring Courses:
Links, Reading, and Video:
- Ed Pentin interview with Father Bux: ‘Fiducia Supplicans’ Does Not Belong to the Authentic Magisterium, Calls on Cardinal Fernández to Resign
- Vittorio Messori “We have two Popes” May 2014
- Edward Pentin’s Interview with Cardinal Kasper
- The Church Visible: How can a simple layperson ever figure out who is pope? Um, you have the internet, right?
- Non era più lui: Una risposta al Codice Ratzinger sulla rinuncia di Benedetto XVI (Italian Edition)
- Gaetano Masciullo: The difficulty of judging Francis. A Theological and Canonical Exploration
- Gaetano Masciullo: Benedict, the seat is in the fore. Reflections on Two Historical Cases.
- “You’re not a wartime consigliere.”
Feedback: please send your questions, comments, suggestions, and happy news item to podcast@barnhardt.biz — or you can leave voicemail feedback at (302) 648-6373. (Alternate email addresses are supernerdmedia@protonmail.com and annbarnhardt@protonmail.com if you are looking for something more secure.)
Supernerd Media produces the Barnhardt Podcast, hosts Ann’s website, and more; if you got some value from these efforts and would like to return some value, you can use a credit/debit card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Link, or Cash App with this link or you can mail a donation to the address listed at SupernerdMedia.com.
Friday Nov 24, 2023
Barnhardt Podcast #200: The Grateful Living
Friday Nov 24, 2023
Friday Nov 24, 2023
In this episode we reflect on doing 200 full podcast episodes over the last six years before reflecting on the 60th anniversary of the murder of the only practicing Catholic President in US History by a three-named villain. And on the topic of three-named villains, we discussed the flame-out in Ferndale: only time will tell just how much damage the Vortex of Vice has wrought financially, spiritually, and otherwise. Please pray for all of the people involved that the scandal will not undo all of the good work they have done. Lastly we reflect on the secular American feast of Thanksgiving and reflected on those things for which we are most thankful… including everyone reading this summary!
Links, Reading, and Video:
- Dr. Mazza Webinar December 9: “Is the Pope Catholic” (free to sign up and watch live)
- Barnhardt Podcast #010 — as relevant now as in 2017!
- The assassination of JFK: One of the US’s biggest mysteries
- Incomplete list of JFK assassinationk theories
- Catholics Reflect on President’s Faith and Life on 60th Anniversary
- Father Z’s thoughts on Michael Voris
- John-Henry Weston’s thoughts on Michael Voris
- Diabolical Narcissism and Religion: When the DN devalues and dumps his co-religionists, and ultimately declares God Himself to be “such a disappointment” and dumps God. Just like Lucifer.
- Ann’s Diabolical Narcissism video
- Javier Milei’s WEF profile page
- Peru Congress Passes Law Reinforcing Unborn’s Constitutional Right to Life
- Elon Musk throwing Masonic Gang Signs
- Tombstone: “Why Ed Bailey, Does this mean we’re not friends anymore?”
- Shure microphones: SM7B and MV7 (what Supernerd and Ann use, respectively)
- Ann’s Pecan Pie recipe: it’s Gobble-Gobble-Gud!
Feedback: please send your questions, comments, suggestions, and happy news item to podcast@barnhardt.biz — or you can leave voicemail feedback at (302) 648-6373. (Alternate email addresses are supernerdmedia@protonmail.com and annbarnhardt@protonmail.com if you are looking for something more secure.)
Supernerd Media produces the Barnhardt Podcast, hosts Ann’s website, and more; if you got some value from these efforts and would like to return some value, you can use a credit/debit card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Link, or Cash App with this link or you can mail a donation to the address listed at SupernerdMedia.com.
Thursday Nov 09, 2023
Barnhardt Podcast #199: Karens, Konclaves, and Kineticism -- Oh My!
Thursday Nov 09, 2023
Thursday Nov 09, 2023
In this episode we recap Ann’s recent part 3 video — TL;DR: you can’t Vote for Pedro if there’s not a valid election — and muse about how, in this time of near universal error, there has never been an easier time to evangelize far and wide! We also discussed the recent kinetic events in the geographical area formerly known as Palestine, a land conquered by the Blood of Christ and which rightly belongs to those who truly believe what Christ and His Church teach (no matter how much the Karens want to argue this reality). In this month of All Saints and the Poor Souls in Purgatory let us never forget to call on the assistance of the Communion of Saints — and to return spiritual value to the Poor Souls in exchange for the value they can and do give us daily!
Ann’s new Part 3 “ENOUGH” video:
- The blog post
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TMnb2svAww
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/romanmcclaine/videos/639168601728515/
- Rumble: https://rumble.com/v3r5o74-bergoglian-antipapacy-part-3-enough.html
- Odysee: https://odysee.com/@AnnBarnhardt:d/Bergoglian-Antipapacy-part-3–ENOUGH:f
Links, Reading, and Video:
- Where Ann buys her dresses
- Cato the Elder: Carthage must be destroyed
- How to make a spiritual Communion
- Devotion(s) to the Archangel Michael
- Praying for (and to) the Poor Souls in Purgatory
- “Fear and Loathing in New Jerusalem”, a 6-part, 23.5 hour podcast series on the founding of the modern state of Israel:
- #1 – Fear & Loathing in the New Jerusalem, pt. 1
- #2 – Fear and Loathing in the New Jerusalem, pt. 2
- #3 – Fear & Loathing in the New Jerusalem – Nostalgia and Naivety in Honor Culture
- #4 – Fear & Loathing in the New Jerusalem, pt. 3
- #5 – Fear & Loathing in the New Jerusalem – Things Fall Apart…
- #6 – Fear & Loathing in the New Jerusalem – Never Again
- Just in case you didn’t catch the Tim Osmon reference…
Feedback: please send your questions, comments, suggestions, and happy news item to podcast@barnhardt.biz — or you can leave voicemail feedback at (302) 648-6373. (Alternate email addresses are supernerdmedia@protonmail.com and annbarnhardt@protonmail.com if you are looking for something more secure.)
Supernerd Media produces the Barnhardt Podcast, hosts Ann’s website, and more; if you got some value from these efforts and would like to return some value, you can use a credit/debit card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Link, or Cash App with this link or you can mail a donation to the address listed at SupernerdMedia.com.
Thursday Oct 26, 2023
Bergoglian Antipapacy, part 3: ENOUGH! (audio-only version)
Thursday Oct 26, 2023
Thursday Oct 26, 2023
Bergoglian Antipapacy, part 3: ENOUGH!
More info about this vide: www.barnhardt.biz/2023/10/23/stickypost-bergoglian-antipapacy-video-part-3-enough/
To find info about parts 1 and 2: www.barnhardt.biz/the-bergoglian-antipapcy/
Video license: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
Barnhardt Podcast #198: SuperCalaFragalisticHyperPapalistic
Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
Time is up… no time left before the sin-nod opens in Rome. Are we witnessing the birth of the anti-Church or just a more extreme diabolic disorientation seeking the ruin of souls? We will hear many substantial errors vomited from the mouths of men purporting to be high prelates in the coming days… but in any event, never forget to put your trust in Our Lady and her Divine Son and they will help you to maintain your Catholic Identity in this life and the next. While we do need heroes for the Faith to step up right now, they need us to pray for them to give them the courage and strength they need to follow through in difficult times!
New Classes from Dr. Mazza:
- “Hell, Purgatory, Heaven” — a course on Dante’s Divine Comedy
- Romans, Christians, and Barbarians (part 2): Pentecost through the Middle Ages
Links, Reading, and Video:
- Video of Abp. Vigano’s speech
- Text of Abp. Vigano’s speech
- Michael Matt explaining why he
cancelleddidn’t include Abp. Vigano’s speech - Cardinal Dukka Dubia
- Dubia Brothers 2.1
- Vatican 1: Paster Aeternus
- “Go clean up the kitchen you stupid stupid woman” in the Remnant
- Collegiality: Error of Vatican 2 (Angelus Magazine article from 1984
- Benedictus Missal (Mark says just get it)
Feedback: please send your questions, comments, suggestions, and happy news item to podcast@barnhardt.biz — or you can leave voicemail feedback at (302) 648-6373. (Alternate email addresses are supernerdmedia@protonmail.com and annbarnhardt@protonmail.com if you are looking for something more secure.)
Supernerd Media produces the Barnhardt Podcast, hosts Ann’s website, and more; if you got some value from these efforts and would like to return some value, you can use a credit/debit card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Link, or Cash App with this link or you can mail a donation to the address listed at SupernerdMedia.com.
Friday Sep 29, 2023
Barnhardt Podcast #197: Mos Eisley Scum Synod — it’s a M.E.S.S.
Friday Sep 29, 2023
Friday Sep 29, 2023
In this episode Dr. Mazza and Non Veni Mark join Ann to discuss the upcoming “Synod on Synodality,” a wretched hive of scum and villainy whose vileness has not seen since the conspiracy to put Our Savior to death two millennia ago. Holding to a true base premise — that an anti-pope has no authority — makes it easier to hold on to the True Faith and avoid scandal; as St. Robert Bellarmine says: it is a blessing to see the Truth and the True Church!
“Then indeed the Roman clergy, stripping Liberius of his pontifical dignity, went over to Felix, whom they knew [then] to be a Catholic. From that time, Felix began to be the true Pontiff. For although Liberius was not a heretic, nevertheless he was considered one, on account of the peace he made with the Arians, and by that presumption the pontificate could rightly [merito] be taken from him: for men are not bound, or able to read hearts; but when they see that someone is a heretic by his external works, they judge him to be a heretic pure and simple [simpliciter], and condemn him as a heretic.” — Saint Robert Bellarmine
New Classes from Dr. Mazza:
- “Hell, Purgatory, Heaven” — a course on Dante’s Divine Comedy
- Romans, Christians, and Barbarians (part 2): Pentecost through the Middle Ages
Links, Reading, and Video:
- “If Francis is still the Pope” — Dr. Mazza blog post
- Discovering the Lost City of Sodom (Video)
- Saint Catherine of Sienna’s letter to the Cardinals
Feedback: please send your questions, comments, suggestions, and happy news item to podcast@barnhardt.biz — or you can leave voicemail feedback at (302) 648-6373. (Alternate email addresses are supernerdmedia@protonmail.com and annbarnhardt@protonmail.com if you are looking for something more secure.)
Supernerd Media produces the Barnhardt Podcast, hosts Ann’s website, and more; if you got some value from these efforts and would like to return some value, you can use a credit/debit card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Link, or Cash App with this link or you can mail a donation to the address listed at SupernerdMedia.com.
Friday Sep 22, 2023
Barnhardt Podcast #196: Laugh or Take Hostages
Friday Sep 22, 2023
Friday Sep 22, 2023
In this episode we discuss how popular talking about Latin is (is EVERYONE thinking about the Roman Empire now?) as well as the importance of memes, both as popular messaging but also allowing for a risible release from the liberal insanity-induced pressure of our current age. We also analyzed the hit job (or is it?) being done to Russell Brand and debate whether it’s worse to announce your intentions to divorce via text message (Brand) or FedEx (Wal-Mart Wallis, the Suchess of Dussex). Finally we discussed the curious situation of Bishop Strickland possibly facing an order to resign from someone who cosplays as Pope and is barely able to order lunch much less the resignation of a bishop. These are crazy times indeed, crazy enough that a Jesuit going trans in order to become the first “woman priest” wouldn’t even raise too many eyebrows. Pray for the Church and your fellow Catholics: the time is short and it’s about to get a whole lot more kinetic!
Links, Reading, and Video:
- Ann’s article on the Jesuit Fr. Robert Ballecer
- Proverbs 31 (with the Haydock commentary)
- Holy Roman Emperor: Imperial Election
- Fr. Z. on the Bp. Strickland situation (part 1)
- Fr. Z. on the Bp. Strickland situation (part 2)
Feedback: please send your questions, comments, suggestions, and happy news item to podcast@barnhardt.biz — or you can leave voicemail feedback at (302) 648-6373. (Alternate email addresses are supernerdmedia@protonmail.com and annbarnhardt@protonmail.com if you are looking for something more secure.)
Supernerd Media produces the Barnhardt Podcast, hosts Ann’s website, and more; if you got some value from these efforts and would like to return some value, you can use a credit/debit card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Link, or Cash App with this link or you can mail a donation to the address listed at SupernerdMedia.com.