
Thursday Nov 14, 2024
Barnhardt Podcast Episode 211: Israel is The Catholic Church. Period.
Thursday Nov 14, 2024
Thursday Nov 14, 2024
In this episode, Art and Ann first review the Deputy Barney Fife Protocol for nipping cold and flu viruses in the bud. Then Ann, like totally goes off on the modern verbal tics, "like" and "I just feel like". Finally, Ann gives a full on rant against the ridiculous notion of "Zionism", with Trump's Zionist appointees Huckabee and Hegseth as the point of departure. It takes a special kind of heretical obtuseness to not instantly recognize that the references in Holy Scripture to Israel, Zion and Jerusalem are prophetic references to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, not the atheist monstrosity which cropped up in the Holy Land in the late 1940s.There will be no peace in the Middle East until both sets of squatters are either kicked out or all are converted to The One True Faith.
Option Two has a name: The Great Commission. It's either The Great Commission, or the Deep State Military Industrial For-Profit Meat Grinder. The choice is clear.
Valley girl is a socio-economic stereotype depicting a class of women characterized by the colloquial California English dialect Valleyspeak and materialism....
Ann's scripture citations:
Joel 4: 20
Malachi 3: 12
Psalm 146: 2
Psalm 121
Psalm 134: 21
Psalm 121: 6
Jeremiah 3: 14
Isaiah 37: 32
Genesis 28: 16
Deuteronomy 8: 9
Why don't the Psalms cited in Catholic books match the ones in my Bible?
It seems you’re missing a basic point of difference between the organization of the psalms in the Protestant and (many) Catholic Bibles. Our citations are...

Thursday Nov 07, 2024
Barnhardt Podcast Episode #210 No Shrinking Violets
Thursday Nov 07, 2024
Thursday Nov 07, 2024
"No Shrinking Violets"
In this episode, Art and Ann are joined by Dr. Mazza to discuss Trump's third consecutive presidential election win, which segues into Dr. Mazza's upcoming online conference in collaboration with Patrick Coffin on the Bergoglian Antipapacy, "CATHOLICS IN THE STORM: Navigating the Church Crisis with Faith & Reason." When Art, Ann and Dr. Mazza get together, the obscure '80s pop culture references are dropping like chips on the PLINKO! board. And that's... one to grow on.
One To Grow On | David Hasselhoff | December 1985
Catholics in the Storm Conference – Dr. Edmund Mazza
Make or Break Catholic Apologetics – Dr. Edmund Mazza
Conclave – Dr. Edmund Mazza
Ancient World – Dr. Edmund Mazza
non veni pacem
The Splendor of Truth
Nurse Claire Says – Take your red pill or you’ll get it by suppository!
Julian calendar | History & Difference from Gregorian Calendar | Britannica
History of the development of the Julian calendar, a dating system established by Julius Caesar.

Wednesday Oct 30, 2024
Episode #209 Pervs Playing With Dolls
Wednesday Oct 30, 2024
Wednesday Oct 30, 2024
In this episode, Art and Ann deconstruct the "Luce...fer" mascot of the 2025 Jubilee, including the word "mascot" itself. You'll never look at the MLB San Diego Chicken the same way again. We then touch on politics in hopes of keeping people grounded in reality about all of the unsavory characters in the last episode before the 2024 "election." Finally, we discuss the excellence of the three hour uninterrupted, unscripted podcast format for public figures and candidates, and even potential colleagues, friends or spouses. Would you hire someone, or marry someone, who couldn't or wouldn't answer questions or hold a train of thought?
mascot | Etymology of mascot by etymonline
"a talisman, charm, thing supposed to bring good luck to its possessor," also "person… See origin and meaning of mascot.
UPDATED! – Really? I ask the readership… a serious question… no, really… the MASCOT for the Jubilee Year | Fr. Z's Blog
Steve Bannon made friends with Epstein because he believed he was a spy, report says
‘He was trying to replace Epstein as a source for information from various intelligence networks’
Oct 19, 2021
Kennedy vs. Nixon: The first 1960 presidential debate
The 1960 presidential cycle featured former Sen. John F. Kennedy of Massachusetts, the Democratic nominee, and Vice President Richard Nixon, a Republican. Th...
2:58 PM

Thursday Oct 17, 2024
Episode #208 "Oh, Suffrage Succotash!"
Thursday Oct 17, 2024
Thursday Oct 17, 2024
In this episode, Art and Ann lament fallen Catholic convert Melania Trump - little did we know she was a rabid baby-slaughter defender. But, we SHOULD have known she was deeply morally unsound by her open association with sodomite groups. Because if you're unsound on sodomy, then you're also, by definition, unsound on life, including IVF. Onan, son of Juda was unavailable for comment. Continuing with lamentations, we lament the Karen-led destruction of Christian Culture, and hone in on the Karen dogma that "We DESERVE God's mercy...", and the satanic gambit to declare the Antichurch, and eventually the Antichrist himself "more merciful than God." Finally, Ann laughs long and hard when Art asks her for whom she is voting.

Wednesday Oct 02, 2024
Episode #207 Antipope Diddy
Wednesday Oct 02, 2024
Wednesday Oct 02, 2024
In this episode, Ann begins by recounting her recent experience in voluntarily fasting on salt water only for 20 days, and Art Decco shares his shared love of Kombucha. We then segue into a discussion of the destruction of Sodom of the Appalachians, Asheville, NC. Isn't it just a MASSIVE coincidence how prevalent lesbian witches are in the mainstream media today? Then, we tie it all together by discussing how the satanic dynamic of blackmail tied to sodomy and pedophilia parallels strikingly between Puff Diddy and American music, media and politics, and Antipope Bergoglio and the Antichurch. Satan seems to have one business model which he applies across all contexts.
A Reminder To All: When Events Turn, They Turn FAST. As it has just happened to Biden, so too will it happen to Antipope Bergoglio. | Barnhardt
Autophagy - Wikipedia
Art's Kombucha go to guide: https://www.liveeatlearn.com/the-simple-guide-to-kickass-kombucha/

Wednesday Aug 21, 2024
Barnhardt Podcast #206 Introducing Art Decco
Wednesday Aug 21, 2024
Wednesday Aug 21, 2024

Saturday Apr 27, 2024
Barnhardt Podcast #205: When False Rights Become Satanic Rites
Saturday Apr 27, 2024
Saturday Apr 27, 2024
In this episode Mark and Ann discuss the ongoing global clownshow, from people who still don't understand that the real "ISRAEL" that is blessed by God (to put it mildly) is the One, Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church - not an atheist state made up out of whole cloth (a cheap polyester blend) in ARSH 1947. How much longer are we going to let pagans squat on OUR land? Why are there still even pagans at all? We then discuss the attack by Antipope Bergoglio (and Touchme Fagnandez) on authentic, approved REAL Marian Apparitions, with a digression into the plethora of fake apparitions that are littering the scene. The Blessed Virgin Mary can NOT be canceled or memory-holed.
"Grant, we beseech thee, O Almighty God, that we who in our tribulation are yet of good cheer because of thy loving-kindness, may find Thee mighty to save from all dangers." --Collect of the Rogation
Links, Reading, and Video:
Dr. Mazza's Upcoming Course:
Jesus In The Eucharist: A True Revival!
"One Second After" on EMP attack
Fr. James Mawdsley's take-down of "The Divine Will" cult *Extreme content warning
History of Electronic Ignition
Feedback: the email address for the podcast is Ann@barnhardt.biz.
The Infant Jesus of Prague handles Ann's financial stuff. Click image for details. [If you have a recurring donation set up and need to cancel for whatever reason - don't hesitate to do so!]

Friday Apr 12, 2024
Barnhardt Podcast Episode #204: Milli Vanilli Infiniti Digniti
Friday Apr 12, 2024
Friday Apr 12, 2024
In this episode, Ann is joined by Dr. Mazza and Mark Docherty for a run-down of current events, beginning with the 30-years-too-late death by lethal injection of Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown's killer, a little Eclipse talk, featuring Dr. Mazza's Bonnie Tyler impression, complete with throat scratch, a discussion of Touchme Fagnandez' latest colonic methane emission, "You shall be as gods... / Infinite Dignity", and a little recap of Dr. Mazza's gentlemanly debate with Matt Gaspers wherein Dr. Mazza took a 50-cal to the "Universal Peaceful Acceptance" trope.
Links, Reading, and Video:
Dr. Mazza's Summer Course:
Unsolved Mystery: Trust the Science? Trust History!
Ed the Eye (Private Eye, that is) will unravel the mystery and controversy between Science and Faith: The Shroud of Turin, Aliens, Evolution, Multiverse, Miracles at Lourdes–and More! Facts or Science Fiction?
Dr. Mazza debate with Matt Gaspers
De Mattei Essay on Rorate - he's totally lost the plot
Milli Vanilli (historical reference for the youngsters)
Bonnie Tyler "Total Eclipse of the Heart (Turn Around)"
Feedback: the email address for the podcast is Ann@barnhardt.biz.
The Infant Jesus of Prague handles Ann's financial stuff. Click image for details. [If you have a recurring donation set up and need to cancel for whatever reason - don't hesitate to do so!]

Thursday Mar 14, 2024
Barnhardt Podcast #203: Nurse Claire on the Mortal Sin of IVF
Thursday Mar 14, 2024
Thursday Mar 14, 2024
In this episode, Nurse Claire checks in with an on-the-ground update, and sadly, the news is grim; hospitals filled with vaxx injured, and unvaxxed patients are so rare that they're now referred to as "unicorns". Then, we attack the topic of In Vitro Fertilization and break down how this process is just one long series of mortal sins from beginning to unresolvable end - which would seem to preclude the possibility of IVF being a "right", contrary to the latest propaganda from both the "left" and the "right". "Brave New World" is now a reference manual.
Links, Reading, and Video:
NurseClaireSays: The GOP finds itself in a conundrum
Build-a-Baby Video
Alabama Supreme Court Personhood of Embryos decision
Satanic IVF firm "Mate" specializing in trafficking children to sodomites
Trump all-in on IVF
Bipartisan IVF support
Feedback: the email address for the podcast is Ann@barnhardt.biz.
The Infant Jesus of Prague handles Ann's financial stuff. Click image for details. [If you have a recurring donation set up and need to cancel for whatever reason - don't hesitate to do so!]

Thursday Mar 14, 2024
Barnhardt Podcast #202: Failing An Open Book Test
Thursday Mar 14, 2024
Thursday Mar 14, 2024
In this landmark episode, Ann and Mark "Ed McMahon" Docherty debate the validity of Supernerd's putative abdication of the ministry of the production of the Barnhardt Podcast, thus becoming the Producer Ahm-ah-RAH-tus, necessitating that Ann assume the Barnhardt Podcast Production See herself, lest the Sede be Vacante. Expect production quality of the Barnhardt Podcast to revert to AM-radio-via-cellphone-whilst-driving-down-the-interstate-in-a-convertible quality levels for the foreseeable. We then do a general catch-up and rumination on the vomitous surrender cry of the men of the post-Christian west, "But there's nothing we can doooooooooooo...." Our Lord only gives open-book tests at roughly the first grade level, and yet, somehow, the Remnant Church is managing to fail. Spectacularly. In all seriousness, if you are moved to cruise over to SupernerdMedia.com and thank Supernerd for his seven years of hard work and top-notch skills with a donation, that would be absolutely wonderful, and would warm all of our hearts..
Links, Reading, and Video:
Supernerd Media.
SOTI.blog (Website and Podcast of Fr. Isaac Mary Relyea)
The No Agenda Show
John C. Dvorak
Evil has made Victoria Nuland really ugly.
Touchme Fagnandez thinks showing off his manbewbs and spare tire es molto caliente.
Feedback: the email address for the podcast is Ann@barnhardt.biz.
The Infant Jesus of Prague handles Ann's financial stuff. Click image for details. [If you have a recurring donation set up and need to cancel for whatever reason - don't hesitate to do so!]