Monday Aug 27, 2018
Barnhardt Podcast #060: The Vigorous Vigano Veritas
Monday Aug 27, 2018
Monday Aug 27, 2018
In this episode we discuss the bombshell letter from Archbishop Vigano, a self-described old man who wants to face God's judgement with a clear conscience. In his open letter, the Archbishop details his numerous reports to Rome about Cardinal McCarrick's abuse and Bergoglio's active cover-up of this and many similar situations, and calls for Bergoglio to resign. In this episode we cover the news as we know it right now; follow Ann's blog for more information as this is a developing story.
Links, reading, and Twitter:
- Coverage from Ann's website
- Edward Pentin's coverage (National Catholic Register)
- Diane Montagna's coverage (LifeSite News)
- Search Father Z's blog for "Nienstedt"
- Father Z's blog: now reachable at http://FatherZ.blog
- Wolves in Jacquard and Lace: On Sodomites in Traddyland – Liturgical Fetishists
- Bergoglio: 'I Will Not Say a Single Word' About Allegations of McCarrick Cover-Up
- Rod Dreher on Twitter
Feedback: please send your questions and comments to podcast@barnhardt.biz The Barnhardt Podcast is produced by SuperNerd Media; if you found this episode to be of value you can share some value to back to SuperNerd at the SuperNerd Media website. You can also follow SuperNerd Media on Twitter.
Wednesday Aug 22, 2018
Barnhardt Podcast #059: Well THAT was a real Schiff-show...
Wednesday Aug 22, 2018
Wednesday Aug 22, 2018
In this episode Ann answers (begins to answer) the question Peter Schiff didn't: if you had full power to change the rules by which our economy works, what would change to get things turned around? Oh, and there was some discussion about stick shift cars and tangents a-plenty... what was I writing again? Oh, and if you can find the VIDEO of Ann's interview with Peter Schiff, please let us know where that is!
Full shownotes at: http://www.barnhardt.biz/2018/08/22/barnhardt-podcast-059-well-that-was-a-real-schiff-show
Feedback: please send your questions for future installments of the Ask Ann Anything series to: ask-ann-podcast@barnhardt.biz The Barnhardt Podcast is produced by SuperNerd Media; if you found this episode to be of value you can share some value to back to SuperNerd at the SuperNerd Media website. You can also follow SuperNerd Media on Twitter.
Tuesday Aug 14, 2018
Barnhardt Podcast #058: Ann Answers Churchy Questions, Volume 1
Tuesday Aug 14, 2018
Tuesday Aug 14, 2018
This is installment 1 of "Ask Ann Churchy Questions" and the second overall "Ask Ann Anything" episode. Please see http://www.barnhardt.biz/2018/08/14/barnhardt-podcas…estions-volume-1/ for the shownotes.
Feedback: please send your questions and comments to podcast@barnhardt.biz The Barnhardt Podcast is produced by SuperNerd Media; if you found this episode to be of value you can share some value to back to SuperNerd at the SuperNerd Media website. You can also follow SuperNerd Media on Twitter.
Friday Aug 03, 2018
Barnhardt Podcast #057: Ask Ann Anything!
Friday Aug 03, 2018
Friday Aug 03, 2018
In this first episode devoted to answering listener questions Ann answers several questions as we try to avoid getting off on too many tangents. This episodes's questions are:
- What types of guns to do you prefer and why?
- What are your favorite podcasts, blogs, or YouTube channels?
- Why didn’t you major in engineering?
- What is your personal bench-press record?
- Why you use a Macintosh computer?
- Are you committed to never doing video again? If so, why?
- Are you still open to getting married? If so, what are you looking for in a man? / Why did you never marry? Do regret not getting married or having children?
- Have you considered becoming a consecrated virgin?
- In light of the Stale Big Mac initiative, did you celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Big Mac?
- What is Ann’s take on people who believe the earth is flat?
We will be doing more of these Q&A episodes in the coming weeks; if you have a question for these episodes please email it to ask-ann-podcast@barnhardt.biz (Ann won't see the questions in advance if they are sent to that address) or you can send a text message or voicemail to SuperNerd's Google Voice number: (302) 648-6373.
Links, reading, and YouTube:
- Some of Ann's news sources:
- Some of SuperNerd's news/podcast/video sources:
- Hacker News (No Frank, I won't do a Catholic version of this without giving you first right of refusal...)
- Matt Walsh Show (YouTube Channel)
- Ben Shapiro Show (YouTube Channel)
- Woke Millennial Catholics
- Non-millennial Catholic (throws shade as needed)
- Faith comes through hearing: listen to the good stuff! - (Podcast Feed)
- The 16 Hour MBA program (Ann's Cattle Marketing video set)
- Speaking of home defense...
- A brief history of the AR-15
- 50 Years of Big Macs -- and not MacCoins (It's not a crypto so it will actually work!)
Feedback: please send your questions and comments to podcast@barnhardt.biz The Barnhardt Podcast is produced by SuperNerd Media; if you found this episode to be of value you can share some value to back to SuperNerd at the SuperNerd Media website. You can also follow SuperNerd Media on Twitter.
Saturday Jul 21, 2018
Barnhardt Podcast #056: You Have No RIGHT to a Divorce
Saturday Jul 21, 2018
Saturday Jul 21, 2018
In the very first "Conversations with Ann" edition of the Barnhardt Podcast, we welcome Bai (pronounced "Bay", as in May Day) Macfarlane, founder of Mary's Advocates, a lay non-profit organization whose goal is to strengthen marriage, reduce unilateral no-fault divorce, and support those who have been unjustly abandoned by their spouse. Bai and Ann have a no-holds barred discussion about marriage, "divorce", and "decrees of nullity" which are being handed out like candy - all in the name of "mercy". Ann asks Bai the 800 pound gorilla questions that other people won't ask, such as, "What do you do if your bishop is a heretic and refuses to help defend your marriage?" and, "What does a faithful Catholic do if a cookie-cutter declaration of nullity is issued against their marriage which they are certain is false, and their marriage is valid?"
Links, reading, and YouTube:
- Mary's Advocates: Home Page
- Book: The Gift of Self
- Video of Cardinal Raymond Burke telling woman follow conscience and appeal Cardinal Raymond Burke, to Separated Faithful
Cardinal Raymond Burke said some tribunals are run by unprepared and unjust workers. With sadness, many times I have seen that the diocesan bishop has not sufficiently taken care to prepare well the necessary personnel for his tribunal. In other words, it is not the process that has need of modifications, but the practice of some bishops who do not provide well-prepared and just workers for their tribunals” (33 min. 43 sec.). http://marysadvocates.org/bishop-have-incompetent-and-unfair-staff-managing-tribunals/
Transcript: Separated Faithful Spouse: "I know I have valid marriage and need to live my sacramental marriage. But what do I tell my children (y’know) 'why aren’t I following the church when the Church grants an annulment?' Because there are abuses [if you live in one of those diocese] if you live in one of those diocese, and I know it was a valid marriage." -- Cardinal Raymond Burke
"All you can say to your children what is your own conviction, and that you have to live according to your conscience. And that also, that the process for the declaration of nullity is not an infallible process. The judge makes the decision with moral certitude–that is–that for him there hasn’t been brought forth anything reasonable against the nullity of the marriage. But/ A declaration of nullity of marriage can–in the Church’s law–be contested, always contested, simply because we know that it is not a divinely inspired decision. [They do it] The judges, and everyone, they do their best. [But] So, if in your conscience, you know that it was a valid marriage, that’s the way you have to live." -- Cardinal Raymond Burke
Msg. Cormac Burke, Retired Roman Rota Judge (author Covenanted Happiness: Love and Commitment in Marriage, and The Theology of Marriage; Personalism, Doctrine and Canon Law) wrote about the faithful spouse) wrote the following about the role of the faithful spouse in context to the confusion about the 'good of the spouses':
What can one say of the really shipwrecked marriage where for instance one of the spouses reneges on his or her conjugal commitment and walks out on the other? Is it possible to continue to speak of the "good of the spouses" in such a context? Or must one conclude, as would appear, that it also has been totally wrecked? As regards the reneging spouse, certainly the marriage would scarcely seem capable of working any longer toward his or her "good". Yet it can still work powerfully for the good of the other, if he or she remains true to the marriage bond. If that fidelity is maintained, moreover, it may in God's providence act as a call to repentance, as a force of salvation, for the unfaithful spouse, perhaps in his or her very last moment on earth - when one's definitive "bonum" is about to be decided (from The Object of Matrimonial Consent: A Personalist Analysis, here)
Feedback: please send your questions and comments for the follow-up to this conversation to podcast@barnhardt.biz The Barnhardt Podcast is produced by SuperNerd Media; if you found this episode to be of value you can share some value to back to SuperNerd at the SuperNerd Media website. You can also follow SuperNerd Media on Twitter.
Monday Jul 09, 2018
Barnhardt Podcast #055: Open Thecreths
Monday Jul 09, 2018
Monday Jul 09, 2018
Episode Content Rating Warning! No Children Allowed!
In this episode we discuss a topic which has been well documented and yet continues to hide in plain sight, supported by Beta Narcissists and both the willing and obliviously ignorant: the Lavender Mafia. Trading the contemplation of eternal things for earthly power, sins of the flesh, and mutually assured blackmail, the clerical legacy of "Cardinal Leonardine" is not only still with us but more powerful than ever, and don't kid yourself, the Lavender Mafia overculture transcends the liberal-conservative-Trad spectrum.
Links, reading, and YouTube:
- https://www.barnhardt.biz/2014/07/28/the-one-about-the-bernardin-alinsky-obama-nexus/
- Antipope Bergoglio Intentionally Surrounds Himself With Blackmailable Sycophants
- Don’t Be Dumb. Obedience Has Nothing To Do With It. They’re All Blackmailable.
- Decoding the Character Names in Windswept House
- Joseph Sciambra on "being and leaving" gay
Feedback: please send your questions and comments to podcast@barnhardt.biz
Saturday Jun 23, 2018
Barnhardt Podcast #054: Speechless Gorillas and Naval Officers
Saturday Jun 23, 2018
Saturday Jun 23, 2018
In this episode, amid a few cases of buzzing interference, we discuss Koko the "talking" gorilla's final release from a life of chocolatey abuse from Penny Patterson, the media's melancholy about this precious primate, and set the record straight about the extent of an animal's ability to communicate with humans. Not that humans are all great communicators: we cover news that broke this past week that the female Officer of the Deck and the female Tactical Action Officer (two people who should be in constant communication when a ship is at sea) were not speaking to one another. It's not yet know if this was a matter of incompetence or a cat-fight that got out of control but the result was massive damage to a billion-and-a-half dollar ship and funerals for several of the sailors. Our ability as humans to communicate ideas and concepts is a wonderful gift: it would be a shame if our neglect and abuse of this gift resulted in something unfortunate.
Links, reading, and YouTube:
- Divinum Officium: the only website to look at in Church
- The troubling world of Koko the gorilla and the decline of ape language research
- Kokoflix: Donald Trump's Favorite YouTube Channel
- Internet falls for Trump-‘Gorilla Channel’ parody
- Professor Robert Sapolsky Explains Koko and Penny
- Quasi-verbal Massachusetts Senator: "Genghis Kahn"
- Quasi-verbal Massachusetts Senator: "Osama Obama"
- Pentagon Covering Up Fact That Female Officers Nearly Sank Navy Ship
- Tasty Cheese Burgers. Because.
Feedback: please send your questions and comments to podcast@barnhardt.biz The Barnhardt Podcast is produced by SuperNerd Media; if you found this episode to be of value you can share some value to back to SuperNerd at the SuperNerd Media website. You can also follow SuperNerd Media on Twitter and Facebook.
Saturday Jun 16, 2018
Barnhardt Podcast #053: No Dogters Go To Heaven
Saturday Jun 16, 2018
Saturday Jun 16, 2018
In this episode we discuss the natural state of man which is to be fruitful and multiply, so much so that modern dual-income, no-child couples instinctively realize there's a hole in their life and turn to furry quadrupeds as an ersatz replacement (even going as far as introducing their canine as "their dogter"). Related to this "four legs are better than two" insanity is a diminishing of the dignity of human life, which only accelerates the momentum behind the contraceptive mentality and exacerbates the problems of abortion, infanticide, murder, and euthanasia.
Links, reading, and YouTube:
- Dennis Rodman Cries with Joy at the Trump-Kim Meeting
- Medically assisted death allows couple married almost 73 years to die together
- Holy Communion Fast For Traditional Catholics
- Doggie Stroller (just search Amazon for "DINK Stuff")
- Doctors called her "incompatible with life"...
Feedback: please send your questions and comments to podcast@barnhardt.biz
The Barnhardt Podcast is produced by SuperNerd Media; if you found this episode to be of value you can share some value to back to SuperNerd at the SuperNerd Media website. You can also follow SuperNerd Media on Twitter and Facebook.
Saturday Jun 09, 2018
Barnhardt Podcast #052a: The Melting of Modern Men from Meek to Mediocre
Saturday Jun 09, 2018
Saturday Jun 09, 2018
In this episode we LOUDLY discuss a recent US Navy investigation which revealed that only 27 of 164 randomly selected, “qualified” officers could carry out their duties without any concerns. While we can guess at the causes for this it’s symptomatic of world-wide slide toward mediocrity and away from manly virtues, meekness being a big one. During this month of the Sacred Heart it would behoove His advice to “Learn of me, for I am meek and humble of heart!”
Feedback: please send your questions and comments to podcast@barnhardt.biz
The Barnhardt Podcast is produced by SuperNerd Media; if you found this episode to be of value you can share some value to back to SuperNerd at the SuperNerd Media website. You can also follow SuperNerd Media on Twitter and Facebook.
Saturday May 26, 2018
Barnhardt Podcast #051: SuperMommy's Shotgun Snackpack Edition
Saturday May 26, 2018
Saturday May 26, 2018
In this episode we update the saga of Tiny Princess with our first guest on the podcast: SuperMommy! We also discuss the new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which went into effect today and that, in theory, could make Bitcoin illegal under EU law. And who remembers that Netflix used to send physical DVDs by mail? All of this plus several geeky references and quasi-random tangents betraying SuperNerd’s somewhat sleep-deprived state and we have our longest “snack pack” yet!
Links, reading, and YouTube:
- 13 Things to know about GDPR
- All 99 things to know about GDPR (if you’re having trouble falling asleep)
- Google and FB already accused of GDPR violations
- The alternative: Block the EU from your services…
- Netflix Market Cap now rivals Disney
- The Amazon Echo is a wiretap…
- U.S. Launches Criminal Probe into Bitcoin Price Manipulation
- “Don’t Let’s Be Beastly To The Germans”
Feedback: please send your questions and comments to podcast@barnhardt.biz
The Barnhardt Podcast is produced by SuperNerd Media; if you found this episode to be of value you can share some value to back to SuperNerd at the SuperNerd Media website. You can also follow SuperNerd Media on Twitter and Facebook.